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I was reading an article on the Internet discussing the future potential of cellphones. One day “Mobile Phone TV” might be possible, according to China Daily. However, this would require the cooperation of network providers and everyone needs to be on the same page. This could be a lucrative market as there are 430 million phone users in China.
One problem is that different manufacturers or operators might be creating their own propriety software, when they should all use one software platform so that the streaming video can be broadcast on different phones and can communicate with one another. Standardization in technology is necessary to achieve this.
The mobile TV, would be very useful and could apply to all age groups, as cellphones are used across different generations. In emerging markets, it is sometimes cheaper or more viable to have a cellphone than a landline as it is more expensive to lay down cable in every part of the country. This is especially seen in African countries such as Nigeria.
In the end, the main success factor in making mobile tv a reality, is if manufacturers and network providers work together on the technology. Secondly, there needs to be public acceptance, which may arise if the technology works and people can appreciate the convenience of watching tv remotely. It can also provide a good source of ad revenue income.
Article from : http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2006-11/02/content_722517.htm