However I do feel that the Barack Obama website is much more simple and user friendly than the Hillary Clinton website. He must of employed a better web developer. It seems more sophisticated and less cluttered than Hillary’s website. This creates a better impression of Barack Obama and makes it seem that his campaign is more organized.
In terms of policy, I do like Hillary Clinton’s policies such as making the Government more accountable, her take on renewable energy sources and so on. Perhaps through the Internet and blogging, people’s voices can be heard and this is consistent with her policy of making the Government more accountable and to give people what they want rather than the Government dictating what is good for the people. The Internet can definitely make the Government more customer-oriented if used properly.
Are you basing the website layout and functionality as a means of selecting a presidential candidate? Sure, I agree that a website that is more user friendly will get more views, but I hope you're choosing your candidate by different means. Nevertheless, I feel that the Internet is playing an extremely vital role on politics today.
I don't think it should play a role in who you vote for, obviously, but I think it definitely gives a better impression of the candidate if their website is simple and easy to manage. As someone who likes simple, organized sites, I can see that that would be a good reason for me to even look at a site, so I understand the importance of it. So if a candidate wants people to look at their site to see what their policies are, they better make sure it's layout it well formed and interesting.
I agree that the internet is definitely a vital role in politics and how people learn about their candidates. In my opinion, a website should be seen as a representation of a candidate. If we criticize companies for a bad website then why should we not a candidate who's goal is to reach people in a clear and professional manner. We are living in a more sophisticated and tech savvy world now, where people are almost always connected. It's better if a candidate understands that and can harness that than the opposite.
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